Self Planned Adventure

There are several cool little lakes where you can drive, then hike into where we have rowboats: Valley of the Five Lakes, Moab Lake, Beaver Lake, and Cabin Lake. There a several larger lakes where you could drive to and get on the water quickly that a Motor and Batteries: Pyramid Lake, Patricia Lake, Talbot Lake, and Maligne Lake.

All you need for these is your fishing gear and your Parks Canada Fishing Permit, which you can purchase at The Astoria Hotel (click here). Life Jackets and other necessary items are provided with the rental. If you are short of supplies, you can pick them up at Jasper Source For Sports. Info listed below.  

​Moab Lake​

​Moab Lake

Valley Of the 5 Lakes: the Fifth Lake

Valley Of the 5 Lakes: the Fifth Lake

To Rent : Click Here, or Call 780-931-BOAT (2628)

​Maligne Lake

​Maligne Lake


Rowboat Full Day: $80                                                          Rowboat Half Day: $55
Canoe Full Day: $80                                                               Canoe Half Day: $55

Rowboat, motor, one battery: $90*
Motor only: $40*
Battery only: $15

Freighter Canoe 19': $100/day

Freighter Canoe 21': $180/ day                                         + $150 each additional day

**Prices may change without notice**


To purchase tackle and other gear:

The Source For Sports, 406 Patricia Street, Jasper or call 780 852 3654